The inside of my old desktop computer from 1998. The apparatus still functions pretty well with its overclocked celeron 1 Ghz proc. Right now it contains a 40 gig hd and the Ubuntu os and it runs like a charm. My plan is to donate it to one of my grandmothers as it contains only one big firefox button in the middle of the screen saying: The big internet for everything. As far as I'm concerned everything is online (email, wordprocessor, calendar and the rest, finally those old people only need to remember what butto to push)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
My dear old asus p2b :)
The inside of my old desktop computer from 1998. The apparatus still functions pretty well with its overclocked celeron 1 Ghz proc. Right now it contains a 40 gig hd and the Ubuntu os and it runs like a charm. My plan is to donate it to one of my grandmothers as it contains only one big firefox button in the middle of the screen saying: The big internet for everything. As far as I'm concerned everything is online (email, wordprocessor, calendar and the rest, finally those old people only need to remember what butto to push)
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