Sunday, April 22, 2007

My dear old asus p2b :)

The inside of my old desktop computer from 1998. The apparatus still functions pretty well with its overclocked celeron 1 Ghz proc. Right now it contains a 40 gig hd and the Ubuntu os and it runs like a charm. My plan is to donate it to one of my grandmothers as it contains only one big firefox button in the middle of the screen saying: The big internet for everything. As far as I'm concerned everything is online (email, wordprocessor, calendar and the rest, finally those old people only need to remember what butto to push)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dorem i Fasoll a Sido (i.e. 3FM Awards)

The 3FM Awards 2007 were held in Pop Temple Paradiso in Amsterdam. This former church now served as an "altar" for the Dutch pop music (not necessarily  in the Dutch language, most artists sing in English).
The Grand Opening was the most spectacular part (although on tv it did not look as catchy as on stage). First a lecture by Eric Corton, after that a spectacular mix of music and music videos (lot's of different styles combined into one mix) and after that Claudia de Breij hanging from the cross (pictured below during the preparations) just like Madonna did in her criticized show. Claudia her song was about her act not being offensive at all. 
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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Slashdot | 48% of Americans Reject Evolution

Slashdot | 48% of Americans Reject Evolution. WTF?!?! Is the world finally coming to an end? Is the Apocalypse there? Of course it is not a /. article, but a poll by Newsweek, you can read it here.
It states that 48% of the USA residents do not believe in evolution. Furthermore, 34% of college graduates (!) accept the Biblical story of creation as fact. Also we (earth and everything) were created by a godlike figure and not more than 10.000 years ago...
I am totally flabbergasted. Even more because of 91% (!) of the adult Americans say the believe in god.

But, this hits the alarm bells in my mind:
Nearly half (47 percent) of the respondents felt the country is more accepting of atheists today that it used to be and slightly more (49 percent) reported personally knowing an atheist. Those numbers are higher among respondents under 30 years old, 62 percent of whom report knowing an atheist (compared to just 43 percent of those 50 and older).
Like thinking for yourself is merely a crime... (at least, that is what I read in those sentences).

Quickly religions seem to take over the world once again. I hope it is their last gasp. But infiltrating everywhere, even paleontologists claim official degrees and tell the world that it is only 10.000 years old...