Sunday, February 11, 2007

Senton - You must go on, you can go on

Well, this is mainly for the dutchies only, as what you are about to see below is a Dutch 'song'.
It was captured from a promotional disc (as in record) to promote some anti-depressive medicine.
Organon was the manufacturer of the product Senton (I have not been able to retrieve any information on the product so far).

On the back of the cover it sais:
Het geriatrische preparaat om oud te worden zonder oud te zijn
(The geriatric preparation to become old without being old)
Well, listen to the song and enjoy :)

The so called 'flexi-disks' which were often used for those promotional records were often made by a Rotterdam based company: Sonopresse Rotterdam. They produced over 100 million of those thin, flexible records between 1961 and 1984.

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