Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Energy War
The Dutch broadcast channel VPRO made a documentary on the ongoing Energy War in this world, mainly stating that we (the 'west', Europe, North-America) are addicted to oil.
Tegenlicht -> Aflevering 1 -> Energy War
Tegenlicht -> Aflevering 2 -> Energy War
The American journalist Thomas Friedman heard the Iranian president Ahmadinejad say that the Holocaust was made up, Thomas was wondering if the president would have dared to say this if the oil price per barrel was below 20 USD instead of above 60. He thought the same when president Chavez of Venezuela told Bush and Blair that they could go to hell.
The first part is about Oil and the short term scenario: petropolitics. The second part is about what will happen and is happening in the world. What solutions are emerging to get rid of the need for oil? What will the world look like in 2020?
Anyway, if you are a native Dutch speaker, you SHOULD watch it. If not, you COULD watch it, as most of it is in English and what is not, is in Russian or Dutch ;) Everybody understands those languages hey? :)