Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
3FM Serious Request 2006: 30 miljoen landmijnen, daar kun je niet omheen!
De afgelopen dagen meegewerkt aan Serious Request 2006 in de eindregie wagen voor de tv/internet uitzendingen. Onze taak was als volgt: bestuur en bedien de 12 remote cams zo dat het interessante televisie blijft. Tevens dienden we aldaar de SMS balk te voorzien van verse SMS'jes die bij duizenden per uur binnenstroomden.
Vrijdagmiddag rond een uur of vijf begon men via de SMS-chat over uiensoep: "kom je nou nog uiensoep eten?" Waarbij ook iemand daar op reageerde: "Ja, ik kom zo voor de uiensoep!"
Daar reageerden anderen natuurlijk weer op met: kippensoep is lekkerder. Ik weet niet hoe veel soorten soep er langsgekomen zijn, het waren er iig. een hoop.
De grap met de soep heeft tot het einde van de uitzendingen op zondagmiddag geduurd. Tja, elk sms'je leverde iig. weer 90 cent op voor het goede doel.
(oh ja, opbrengst toch weer: 2,6 miljoen Euro! in België 2,4.. dus een HELE HOOP)
Vrijdagmiddag rond een uur of vijf begon men via de SMS-chat over uiensoep: "kom je nou nog uiensoep eten?" Waarbij ook iemand daar op reageerde: "Ja, ik kom zo voor de uiensoep!"
Daar reageerden anderen natuurlijk weer op met: kippensoep is lekkerder. Ik weet niet hoe veel soorten soep er langsgekomen zijn, het waren er iig. een hoop.
De grap met de soep heeft tot het einde van de uitzendingen op zondagmiddag geduurd. Tja, elk sms'je leverde iig. weer 90 cent op voor het goede doel.
(oh ja, opbrengst toch weer: 2,6 miljoen Euro! in België 2,4.. dus een HELE HOOP)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Verkeerde ingang in de Rails
Staat er in de Rails een stuk over waar journalisten zich bevinden. Is er eentje die is blijven hangen in Groningen omdat ie de laatste trein gemist heeft. Deze journalist is bij Sharak terecht gekomen, alleen is de ingang die getoond wordt, juist de nooduitgang van Dizkartes (mijn oude studentenvereniging). Nou ja, iedereen die journalistiek kan controleren vindt wel eens foutjes ;)
(2de foto van boven, tekst die erbij staat is: Cleo Mulder, Fotograaf. Waar: Club Shadrak, Groningen. Waarom: 'Omdat ik de laatste trein gemist had.'
Sunday, December 10, 2006
De Bauer Flavour: 3FM Serious Request 2006
Een stukje van het decor voor de B-Factor, een parodie op de X-factor. Dit is de tafel waar de kandidaten beoordeeld werden door Chiel, Lange Frans en Ali B.
Lange Frans en Ali B. doen een nummer met Frans Bauer, maar aangezien de heer Bauer gekweld is door poliepen op zijn stembanden, kon hij helaas niet mee doen. Hierdoor ontstond er een ander concept voor de musicvideo die uiteindelijk via internet verkocht gaat worden voor een klein bedrag. Dit bedrag gaat naar het Rode Kruis voor de actie tegen landmijnen in de wereld...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
New video: Kraak & Smaak - Money in the Bag
The latest music video from Kraak & Smaak is not produced by myself. Unfortunately, but by my direct colleagues. Congratz peeps! But, if you have not seen it yet, watch it first:
Kraak & Smaak tell you to "watch it before it gets banned!". Well, I don't know if that is going to happen, as there are no real nude human beings in this video. Only "old" drawings, appearing to be from the seventies of the twentieth century. Oh, these images show quite clear how to make love (i.e. have sex). Actually, if I were one of those health care and birth control organizations I would embrace this video :)
Anyway, some rather positive commentary in the Dutch | Nieuwe video: Kraak & Smaak - Money in the Bag
Kraak & Smaak tell you to "watch it before it gets banned!". Well, I don't know if that is going to happen, as there are no real nude human beings in this video. Only "old" drawings, appearing to be from the seventies of the twentieth century. Oh, these images show quite clear how to make love (i.e. have sex). Actually, if I were one of those health care and birth control organizations I would embrace this video :)
Anyway, some rather positive commentary in the Dutch | Nieuwe video: Kraak & Smaak - Money in the Bag
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Global Warming, CO2, Oxygen, Trees, things like that
I was wondering today, looking at the trees still wearing their leaves, about global warming. People around me are starting to get worried. Women are telling me they are seriously thinking about not having kids.
But, it now being November the 25th, it was 16 degrees Celsius today. So, we are hardly warming our houses, so we use little gas, so we produce less CO2. The trees still have leaves, so a part of the trees probably still make a little bit of oxygen during daytime.
I don't know if it has any influence, we will see. It just crossed my mind. Only time will tell...
But, it now being November the 25th, it was 16 degrees Celsius today. So, we are hardly warming our houses, so we use little gas, so we produce less CO2. The trees still have leaves, so a part of the trees probably still make a little bit of oxygen during daytime.
I don't know if it has any influence, we will see. It just crossed my mind. Only time will tell...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Small, smaller, ...
*~A Tiny Glimpse~* is where you can see something about why, well.. ehrrr... ehmm... we are quite small. This is a GIF-animation and quite short.
The one below takes 9 minutes, but worth watching:
(this is supposed to be the video "Powers of Ten", made in 1977. Unfortunately, the video is hard to find at the moment, due to copyright issues of the Eames-heirs, but if you are willing to share your email address at you can still see it)
The one below takes 9 minutes, but worth watching:
(this is supposed to be the video "Powers of Ten", made in 1977. Unfortunately, the video is hard to find at the moment, due to copyright issues of the Eames-heirs, but if you are willing to share your email address at you can still see it)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
D66 verkiezingsposters: goed Nederlands?
D66 heeft een verkiezingscampagne opgezet. Het gaat hierbij om 'oude liefde' en dat die niet roest. "Eigenlijk bent u een D66-er" staat er groot op één van de posters. Dan volgt een grote lap tekst. Ergens in het midden staat "... vraagt je je wel eens af..." Ja, ik vraag me regelmatig dingen af, maar dat je zo'n fout maakt?
Je vraagt je wel eens iets af. Bijvoorbeeld of de snelle jongens van dat reclamebureau niet iets té vaak een stagiaire inzetten voor het schrijven van teksten. Ik was niet eens de hele tekst aan het lezen, het viel me gewoon op. De fout staat namelijk in de tweede of derde zin van boven in de tweede kolom, dus je oog valt er eigenlijk direct op.
Jammer maar helaas.
Je vraagt je wel eens iets af. Bijvoorbeeld of de snelle jongens van dat reclamebureau niet iets té vaak een stagiaire inzetten voor het schrijven van teksten. Ik was niet eens de hele tekst aan het lezen, het viel me gewoon op. De fout staat namelijk in de tweede of derde zin van boven in de tweede kolom, dus je oog valt er eigenlijk direct op.
Jammer maar helaas.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Soulvation - Put your Phone in the Air
This is one of the latest video's I partly produced. This video was one to try a lot of different techniques, the use of phonecams was a new one. At first we also shot footage with different types of DV cam, but the 'quality' would destroy the video.
So, we chose to do it with phones only.
I think it became a creative music video and I am curious what will happen in the near future :)
One of my first music videos to produce as production manager was also a Soulvation song: I Wanna Be With You (view below).
This one we shot in Barcelona in a guerrilla style: run through the city and shoot as many beautiful scenes as you can :)
Worked out pretty well I think. A nice and friendly summerstyle video.
Energy War
The Dutch broadcast channel VPRO made a documentary on the ongoing Energy War in this world, mainly stating that we (the 'west', Europe, North-America) are addicted to oil.
Tegenlicht -> Aflevering 1 -> Energy War
Tegenlicht -> Aflevering 2 -> Energy War
The American journalist Thomas Friedman heard the Iranian president Ahmadinejad say that the Holocaust was made up, Thomas was wondering if the president would have dared to say this if the oil price per barrel was below 20 USD instead of above 60. He thought the same when president Chavez of Venezuela told Bush and Blair that they could go to hell.
The first part is about Oil and the short term scenario: petropolitics. The second part is about what will happen and is happening in the world. What solutions are emerging to get rid of the need for oil? What will the world look like in 2020?
Anyway, if you are a native Dutch speaker, you SHOULD watch it. If not, you COULD watch it, as most of it is in English and what is not, is in Russian or Dutch ;) Everybody understands those languages hey? :)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Big Phone Crash
Well, I was quite happy with my SonyEricsson k800i. Ok, it crashed every now and then... but sophisticated software, we know the drill: bugs.
And yes, I wanted to update the software, but I could not find my phonecable so that had to wait. Nothing works anymore, except for one small thing: when you press the on/off button a small red led light shows up behind the plastic glass of the infrared device (see picture below).
If you press it once it will show up once and if you press it a few seconds later it will flash for six times. It looks like an error code (like the led light on your motherboard) but nowhere in the manual it is told what it means...
I'll keep you posted.
And yes, I wanted to update the software, but I could not find my phonecable so that had to wait. Nothing works anymore, except for one small thing: when you press the on/off button a small red led light shows up behind the plastic glass of the infrared device (see picture below).
I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Ok, just a small thumbnail
Flash 9 beta & Battlestar Galactica
Ok, quick, geeky, useless thing to mention, but I just have to: I finally installed Flashplayer 9 beta for Linux. I still do not understand why I had to 'wait' for the final to come out. Youtube and things work much better now and the page from my favorite TV Series on SciFi finally works (bad thing it wants flash 8, but never mind)
In case you think I speak of the old series broadcasted in the seventies and the early eighties: you're so wrong. The all new BSG started broadcasting late 2003 with a miniseries (totals three hours). After season 1 and thirteen episodes further they decided to give you the cliffhanger of the century. Season 2 is 20 ep's. The collaboration between the UK based Sky One and SciFi is gone. SciFi is doing it alone now, budget went down (as far as I know), but still.. the ep's before the season break (why?!?! are they mad?) were incredible, after that it was clear a season three got written into the script... (or, well, never mind).
Anyway, just go watch you silly!
In case you think I speak of the old series broadcasted in the seventies and the early eighties: you're so wrong. The all new BSG started broadcasting late 2003 with a miniseries (totals three hours). After season 1 and thirteen episodes further they decided to give you the cliffhanger of the century. Season 2 is 20 ep's. The collaboration between the UK based Sky One and SciFi is gone. SciFi is doing it alone now, budget went down (as far as I know), but still.. the ep's before the season break (why?!?! are they mad?) were incredible, after that it was clear a season three got written into the script... (or, well, never mind).
Anyway, just go watch you silly!
Friday, November 03, 2006
DDos thingies, Hacks, World of Warcraft, etc.
Well.. what a week. Doing VERY interesting things for a project which is unfortunately surrounded by secrets (until it is broad casted). So, I cannot reveal anything about that. Than the week is a little bit less interesting.
Anyway, this morning I received an email about our FTP server serving DDos attacks... The thing is that I can see clearly that there have been multiple attempts to break in the server.. but I don't know what to do about it. Then I thought: let's turn on the firewall (that it was turned off in the first place made me wonder). But then the proftpd server cannot get through anymore. I remember reading about it that it is such a hassle to configure the openSuse firewall... but now it is still turned off as otherwise I cannot serve files through FTP anymore (still get it?)
Well then. What's up with the WoW-thingie? Hmm.. I got it running on my Laptop running Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop (that should not have happened as it was supposed to be an office laptop with no gaming capabilities... but where the heart goes...)
The annoying thing is that I cannot get it to run when I use my beloved XGL desktop. I have to switch back to the 'normal' 2D desktopmodus (hey, what can you care about in the first place)
Anyway, that's all for now. Nothing to see here anymore, please walk... ;)
Anyway, this morning I received an email about our FTP server serving DDos attacks... The thing is that I can see clearly that there have been multiple attempts to break in the server.. but I don't know what to do about it. Then I thought: let's turn on the firewall (that it was turned off in the first place made me wonder). But then the proftpd server cannot get through anymore. I remember reading about it that it is such a hassle to configure the openSuse firewall... but now it is still turned off as otherwise I cannot serve files through FTP anymore (still get it?)
Well then. What's up with the WoW-thingie? Hmm.. I got it running on my Laptop running Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop (that should not have happened as it was supposed to be an office laptop with no gaming capabilities... but where the heart goes...)
The annoying thing is that I cannot get it to run when I use my beloved XGL desktop. I have to switch back to the 'normal' 2D desktopmodus (hey, what can you care about in the first place)
Anyway, that's all for now. Nothing to see here anymore, please walk... ;)
Monday, October 23, 2006
Ilse DeLange - The Lonely One
The latest video I produced. In the lovely surroundings of the Posbank (close to Arnhem on the Hoge Veluwe, which is a national park in the Netherlands).
It was half September and the weather would be horrible, according to the forecasts. But when you watch the video, it is clear that it was a beautiful day :)
The latest video I produced. In the lovely surroundings of the Posbank (close to Arnhem on the Hoge Veluwe, which is a national park in the Netherlands).
It was half September and the weather would be horrible, according to the forecasts. But when you watch the video, it is clear that it was a beautiful day :)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The "Next Blog"-button...
... is really fun to press. I am amazed what people are concerned about. Mostly that is positive, but I am a little scared by the amount of extremist Christian Blogs I see around (and Arabic Blogs I cannot read, so possibly those house a lot of extremist stuff too...)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
LAN promo Dizkartes 2003
Jawel jonkies. Vroeger toen alles beter was en de crew al maanden van te voren begon met full colour posters op de kroeg, full colour advertenties op de site en uiteraard - de macht van goed doordachte spam mag niet worden onderschat - veel, nee HEEL VEEL mail naar iedereen die op de LAN mailinglist stond...
Resulterende in de grootste LAN ooit met 40 man... was wel enigszins aan de warme kant in de benedenbar, maar daat mocht de pret niet drukken. Grootse battles in Battlefield Vietnam met 18 tegen 18 (volgens mij was het Vietnam al, want in 1942 kon niemand vliegen behalve Dave aka. Mariachi). Misschien haal ik wat nostalgische dingetjes door elkaar, dat boeit geen reet natuurlijk.
Check eerst maar even een paar van die mooie postertjes uit het verleden. Allemaal heerlijk onleesbaar, slecht van layout en al dat soort dingen.. maar toch. Het werkte.
Resulterende in de grootste LAN ooit met 40 man... was wel enigszins aan de warme kant in de benedenbar, maar daat mocht de pret niet drukken. Grootse battles in Battlefield Vietnam met 18 tegen 18 (volgens mij was het Vietnam al, want in 1942 kon niemand vliegen behalve Dave aka. Mariachi). Misschien haal ik wat nostalgische dingetjes door elkaar, dat boeit geen reet natuurlijk.
Check eerst maar even een paar van die mooie postertjes uit het verleden. Allemaal heerlijk onleesbaar, slecht van layout en al dat soort dingen.. maar toch. Het werkte.
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Monday, October 09, 2006 - The Social Music Revolution - The Social Music Revolution
Recently I clicked on the "Music" tab in the Banshee player and clicked some more. Then I installed a program, called Check out their website (or read below what they think it is).
Recently I clicked on the "Music" tab in the Banshee player and clicked some more. Then I installed a program, called Check out their website (or read below what they think it is).
What is scrobbling?
As you listen (with iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, or others), your tracks automatically appear in your online musical profile – we call this "scrobbling."Explore custom recommendations and personalised radio, find your musical soulmates, discuss your favourite bands, and share your musical insights with friends, family, and the world!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Homo Fabre in the Museum of Schone Kunsten in Antwerp
The idea of the exhibition was to create a different way to experience the Old Masters in combination with contemporary art and the vision of Jan Fabre.
The first piece I walked into - below - actually shocked me a bit. I was not paying attention, turned around and thought: my god! there is a guy standing with his face pushed against a painting! Then I noticed the blood and realized it was art...
The second piece shown here, was situated in a room with dim light and dead animals hanging from the ceiling over butter (imagine the butter lying right under the animal on the floor).
The long dining table set up with the heads of owls made quite an impression. It gave me the idea of chopped of human heads which were put on plates in a (distant?) past to shock people.
The last piece shown here was the body of a man made up from thumbtacks.
The first piece I walked into - below - actually shocked me a bit. I was not paying attention, turned around and thought: my god! there is a guy standing with his face pushed against a painting! Then I noticed the blood and realized it was art...
The second piece shown here, was situated in a room with dim light and dead animals hanging from the ceiling over butter (imagine the butter lying right under the animal on the floor).
The long dining table set up with the heads of owls made quite an impression. It gave me the idea of chopped of human heads which were put on plates in a (distant?) past to shock people.
The last piece shown here was the body of a man made up from thumbtacks.
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
YouTube - Don Diablo - I Need To Know
One of the latest musicvid's I made :) Like the tunes, probably a bit too 'underground' for most people.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Spinning Records
Well.. I just rediscovered my turntable (phonographic pickup, not the thing used on electrical guitars and things like that). And a picturedisc... It's fun to see something move again.. something that carries the music :)
Hmm, I just noticed some dust here and there.. sorry for that. The turntable is a Sony Servo Controlled Turntable @ 110 V with a Denon DL-103 Stereo Moving Coil Cartridge.
Sjors en Sjimmie en het zwaard van Krijn
What is there to discover in the world? A lot. Sometimes it's fun to google your own name, and mine came up in a filmtitle: "Sjors en Sjimmie en het zwaard van Krijn". The premiere of the movie was in June in 1977...
Sjors and Sjimmie were a comicbook duo dating back to the thirties (!) of the 20th century (Sjimmie was introduced in 1950)
The above image is the poster from the movie, where the white Sjors and the black Sjimmie are obviously treated as equals.
The second image shows one of the albumcovers from a 1955 album, showing Sjimmie in a way nowadays would not be 'done' anymore.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Search for the Amstel
I found it in the end, after cycling along the Waver (never heard of before, but in the pic. down here)
And there, nearly invisible, a hint of the 'skyscrapers' of Amsterdam (for your information: at two fifth of the skyline, seen from the right
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Friday, August 25, 2006
I Tried It And Didn't Die
Dit was onderdeel van de promotie rond het programma "Trie before you Die".
BNN had een 'snackwagen' neergezet die de volgende producten uitserveerde: hanenpoten, varkensstaartjes, bloedworst, varkensoren en meelwormen.
Ik moet zeggen dat de hanenpoten wat saai waren, echter de meelwormen zouden er prima mee door kunnen als reguliere snack...
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